Original Research

Career anchor profiles of a sample of business and professional women

Ronel Erwee
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 16, No 1 | a498 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v16i1.498 | © 1990 Ronel Erwee | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 20 June 1990 | Published: 20 June 1990

About the author(s)

Ronel Erwee, University of Pretoria, South Africa

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The career anchors of a sample of 95 business and professional woman were studied by means of the Career Orientations Inventory (DeLong, 1982). The hierarchy of career anchors of the sample was as follows: Service, Variety, Security (job tenure), Managerial competence. Autonomy, Identity, Technical/functional competence, Entrepreneurship and Security (geographical location). A few significant differences in career anchors did occur between various occupational groups. The implicatons of these findings in terms of career management in organisations are discussed.

Die loopbaanankers van 'n steekproef van 95 sake- en beroepsvroue is bestudeer deur middel van die "Career Orientations Inventory" (DeLong, 1982). Die steekproef het die volgende hierargie van loopbaanankers getoon: Diens, Verskeidenheid, Sekuriteit (organisatories), Bestuursbevoegdheid, Outonomie, Identiteit, Tegnies/funksionele bevoegdheid, Entrepreneurskap en Sekuriteit (geografies). 'n Paar beduidende verskille in loopbaanankerprofiele het tussen die onderskeie beroepsgroepe voorgekom. Die implikasies van die bevindings ten opsigte van loopbaanbeplanning in ondernemings word bespreek.


Career anchor profiles; Professional women


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