Original Research

The construction and evaluation of a scale of consumer shopping experience

B. A. Gillham, F. Crous, J. M. Schepers
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 29, No 3 | a110 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v29i3.110 | © 2003 B. A. Gillham, F. Crous, J. M. Schepers | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 24 October 2003 | Published: 24 October 2003

About the author(s)

B. A. Gillham, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
F. Crous, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
J. M. Schepers, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa

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Generally speaking consumer psychology have focused primarily on the problem solving and decision making processes underlying buying behaviour. As a result, the experience of consumers engaging in the activity of shopping has been neglected. The purpose of this study was to construct and evaluate a scale of consumer shopping experience. The instrument indicated that shopping experience is not merely a means to an end, but in many cases an end in itself. The Shopping Experience Survey consisting of 54 items was developed and administered to 426 respondents consisting of students at a large tertiary institution. The study indicated that the Shopping Experience Survey is highly reliable (rxx=0,965) and sensitive to group differences.

Benaderings tot verbruikersielkunde fokus in die algemeen hoofsaaklik op die probleemoplossings- en besluitnemingsprosesse onderliggend aan aankoopgedrag. Gevolglik het die ervarings wat verbruikers tydens die aankoopproses beleef, nie veel aandag geniet nie. Die doel van die onderhawige studie was om ’n skaal van verbruikeraankoopbelewenisse te konstrueer en te evalueer. Die instrument het aangedui dat die aankoopbelewenis nie ’n middel tot ’n doel is nie, maar ‘n doel insigself is. Die Shopping Experience Survey, bestaande uit 54 items, is ontwikkel en geadministreer aan 426 respondente van ’n groot residensiële tersiêre instelling. Met die studie is bevind dat die Shopping Experience Survey hoogs betroubaar is (rxx=0,965) en sensitief is vir groepverskille.


Consumer shopping experience


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