Original Research

The effect of telfast® 180 on driver behaviour, decision-making and reaction time

Johann M. Schepers, Paul Potter, Christo Van Niekerk
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 29, No 3 | a115 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v29i3.115 | © 2003 Johann M. Schepers, Paul Potter, Christo Van Niekerk | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 24 October 2003 | Published: 24 October 2003

About the author(s)

Johann M. Schepers, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
Paul Potter, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Christo Van Niekerk, Innovara, United States

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The principal objective of the study was to examine the effect of Telfast® 180, an antihistamine, on driver behaviour, decision-making, and reaction time. A sample of 255 volunteers participated in the study. The sample was randomly divided into two groups, viz. a placebo and a Telfast group. One of the groups received Telfast and the other a placebo. Initially all the participants were given a standardised driving test, as well as a psychomotor test. Immediately thereafter the placebo group received their placebo tablets and the Telfast group their Telfast tablets. Exactly 2,6 hours later every participant was tested again, using the same tests as before. No statistically significant differences were found between the Placebo group and the Telfast group. No sedative effects due to Telfast® 180 were thus evident.

Die hoofdoelstelling van die studie was om die effek van Telfast® 180, ’n antihistamien, op bestuursgedrag, besluitneming en reaksietyd, te ondersoek. ’n Steekproef van 255 vrywilligers het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die steekproef is lukraak in twee groepe verdeel, te wete ‘n plasebogroep en ’n Telfastgroep. Om mee te begin is al die deelnemers aan ’n gestandaardiseerde bestuurstoets, asook ’n psigomotoriese toets, onderwerp. Onmiddellik daarna het die plasebogroep hul plasebotablette en die Telfastgroep hul Telfasttablette ontvang. Presies 2,6 uur later is al die deelnemers weer getoets met dieselfde toetse as voorheen. Geen statisties beduidende verskille is tussen die plasebogroep en die Telfastgroep gevind nie. Daar was dus geen sedatiewe effek as gevolg van Telfast® 180 nie.


Driver behaviour; Decision-making; Reaction time


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