Original Research

Newspaper reporters' role effectiveness: A comparative study of two levels of hierarchy

Sanjay K. Singh, Paramjeet K. Dhillon
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 30, No 2 | a147 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v30i2.147 | © 2004 Sanjay K. Singh, Paramjeet K. Dhillon | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 26 October 2004 | Published: 26 October 2004

About the author(s)

Sanjay K. Singh, New Delhi Institute of Management, India
Paramjeet K. Dhillon, University of Delhi, India

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Hardly any behavioural scientist ever thought of empirically studying newspaper reporters from a psychological perspective. Realising the dearth of study from psychological viewpoints this investigation was designed to examine the relationships as well as relative impact of the antecedent variables of Background information, organisational climate, organisational role stress, and journalistic writing attitude on to the role effectiveness of the lower level reporters and the higher level reporters. The results obtained were discussed in the light of the past researches in the area of effectiveness in-a-role in-an-organisation.

Bykans geen gedragswetenskaplike het al aan die idee gedink om koerant-verslaggewers vanuit ’n sielkundige perspektief te bestudeer nie. Gegewe die skaarste aan navorsing vanuit ’n sielkundige gesigshoek, is hierdie ondersoek ontwerp om die verhouding sowel as die relatiewe impak van oorsaaklike veranderlikes van agtergrondinligting, organisasieklimaat, organisatoriese rolstres en die joernalistieke skryfhouding op die roldoeltreffendheid van die laevlak verslaggewers en die hoëvlak verslaggewers te ondersoek. Die verkreë resultate word bespreek in die lig van die vorige navorsing ten opsigte van roldoeltreffenheid in ’n organisasie.


Newspaper reporters' role effectiveness; Levels of hierarchy


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