Original Research

Cross-cultural equivalence of the organisational culture survey in Australia

R. Erwee, B. Lynch, B. Millet, D. Smith, G. Roodt
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 27, No 3 | a19 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v27i3.19 | © 2001 R. Erwee, B. Lynch, B. Millet, D. Smith, G. Roodt | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 19 September 2001 | Published: 19 September 2001

About the author(s)

R. Erwee,
B. Lynch,
B. Millet,
D. Smith,
G. Roodt,

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The aim of this study is to assess whether the cross-cultural equivalence of the Organisational Culture Survey (OCS) persist in an Australian context. The nature of the instrument is presented which includes a clear statement of its South African origin and its’ place within a logical positivist paradigm. The sample consisted of 326 respondents from a population of managers of the Australian Institute of Management. This study confirms the instrument’s validity and internal consistency within an Australian context, but that further research is required into the functional and conceptual equivalence of the survey items and dimensions underpinning the items to conclusively establish its utility. Finally, aspects of the ‘organisational culture’ construct underlying the survey need revision given recent trends in related systems, complexity and chaos theories.


Technikons propageer die beoefening van ko˛peratiewe onderwys,’n opvoedkundige strategiewat leer deur produktiewewerkservaring integreermet die teoretiese kurrikulum. ByTechnikon SAegter, het slegs sowat 35% van die formele programme ’n verpligte leerervarings komponent.Teoretiese-begrondings navorsingsmetodologie is gebruik omsekere basiese veronderstellings van akademiese personeel te bepaal. Eerder as om’n spesifieke navorsingsprobleemas vertrekpunt te gebruik, ondersoek teoretiese-begronding’n areavan belang en laat die metodiek die relevante sake toe omte voorskyn te kom. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude,met vier ope vrae, is gevoer met ’n gestratifiseerde eweskansige steekproef van 25 akademiese personeellede vanTechnikon SA. Daar is bevind dat alhoewel daar beperkte oortuiging en gewillige uitlewing van kooperatiewe onderwys is, is dit nie beduidend as kenmerkend van die organisasie kultuur vanTechnikon SA nie.


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Crossref Citations

1. The links between knowledge management structures and national culture: A comparative study of Apple users in Italy and Brazil
Marcelo Gattermann‐Perin, Alexeis Garcia‐Perez, David Cegarra‐Leiva, Juan Gabriel Cegarra‐Navarro
Knowledge and Process Management  vol: 30  issue: 4  first page: 446  year: 2023  
doi: 10.1002/kpm.1760