Original Research

Validity as an action concept in IO psychology

Conrad Schmidt
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 32, No 4 | a251 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v32i4.251 | © 2006 Conrad Schmidt | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 29 October 2006 | Published: 29 October 2006

About the author(s)

Conrad Schmidt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

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In this article it is proposed that conventional conceptions of validity as applied in the field of Industrial and Organisational Psychological (IOP) assessment tend to emphasise technical aspects that result in an unintended separation of science and practice when implemented. An alternative conception of validity as an action concept is presented. It is noted that such a conception has been implicit in the field for some time and that the ideal of integrating science and practice, which stands so central to Industrial and Organisational (IO) Psychology, is promoted by it.


Validity; Action model; Action science; Statistical reasoning; Professional judgment; Region; Psychological adequacy; Actionability


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Crossref Citations

1. Selection of industrial and organisational psychology master’s students: Exploring the predictive validity of a person–job fit approach
Karina Olivier, Antoni Barnard, Annelize van Niekerk
SA Journal of Human Resource Management  vol: 19  year: 2021  
doi: 10.4102/sajhrm.v19i0.1477