Original Research

The dilemma of the academic industrial psychologist

C. Orpen
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a287 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.287 | © 1977 C. Orpen | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 November 1977 | Published: 28 November 1977

About the author(s)

C. Orpen,, South Africa

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The university industrial psychologist is often faced with a conflict between his roles as an 'academic scientist' and as a 'professional technician'. It is argued that this problem of 'dual allegiance' can be resolved to a large extent if the industrial psychologist: (i) reminds himself (and his students) that industrial psychology is not a special discipline on its own, but is an integral part of psychology-in-general, (ii) does not view his subject as just a mirror of professional practice, (iii) has regard for his subject as a scientific discipline, and not just as a useful tool for management, and (iv) convinces practitioners of the value of the subject in a variety of areas, ranging from testing to consumer behaviour.

Die bedryfsielkundige aan die universiteit kom dikwels te staan voor 'n konflik tussen sy rol as "akademiese wetenskaplike" en "professionele tegnikus". Dit word beweer dat hierdie probleem van "tweeledige verbondenheid" tot ‘n groot mate opgelos kan word as die bedryfsielkundige (en sy studente): (a) dit in gedagte hou dat bedryfsielkunde nie wesentlik 'n onafhanklike dissipline is nie, maar 'n integrale deel van sielkunde-in-diealgemeen vorm, (b) nie sy vak as slegs 'n weerspieëling van die professionele praktyk beskou nie, (c) agting vir sy vak as 'n wetenskaplike dissipline het en nie net as 'n gerieflike werktuig vir bestuur beskou word nie, en (d) die praktyk kan oortuig van die waarde van die vak in 'n verskeidenheid gebiede, wat strek van toetsing tot verbruikersgedrag.


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