Original Research

The rise (and fall) of industrial democracy. A lesson for industrial psychologists

C. Orpen
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a291 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.291 | © 1977 C. Orpen | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 November 1977 | Published: 28 November 1977

About the author(s)

C. Orpen,, South Africa

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An examination of historical trends reveals a greater willingness on the part of managers to share power with their rankandfile employees than previously. This willingness has been taken up by some commentators who have argued that employees should have at least as much ultimate authority in work organizations as managers (industrial democracy). The present paper argues that this view represents an over- simplification that is not justified by industrial research. Instead, it is claimed that the optimum balance of power between managers and employees depends on circumstances, such as employee propensity to participate, kind of technology, and nature of task environment ('contingency' approach). Because of differences in these circumstances, it is suggested that for efficiency and employee satisfaction to be maximized it may be 'best' if employees in South Africa have less relative power vis a vis managers than their counterparts in western industrialized countries, like the United States.

'n Ontleding van geskiedkundige tendense toon 'n toenemende mate van bereidwilligheid by werkgewers om hul gesag met werknemers te deel. Hierdie bereidwilligheid word verder onderskraag deur die uitlatings van sommige "industriële demokrate" wat meen dat werknemers in organisasies minstens soveel gesag moet hê as bestuurders. In die artikel word aangevoer dat dié standpunt ‘n oorvereenvoudiging is wat nie deur bedryfsielkunde navorsing verantwoord kan word nie en dat die optimum magsbalans tussen bestuurders en werknemers eerder van omstandighede afhang, soos bv. oriëntasie van werknemers tot werkersdeelname, aard van die werk, werksklimaat en so meer. Weens omstandigheidsverskille word dit aanbeveel dat vir maksimale doeltreffendheid en werknemersbevrediging, werknemers in Suid-Afrika in verhouding minder gesag sal hê as hulle eweknieë in Westerse nywerheidslande soos die Verenigde State.


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