Original Research

Aspects of the remuneration of black workers in South Africa: Some research findings

H. P. Langenhoven
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a296 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.296 | © 1978 H. P. Langenhoven | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 November 1978 | Published: 28 November 1978

About the author(s)

H. P. Langenhoven,, South Africa

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This is a report on the most important findings of a questionnaire survey among employers on the remuneration of Black workers in South Africa. Amongst other things the following was found: - that most of the usual fringe benefits are already fairly generally provided for or that the employers are aware of the need for them; - that wages show a high relationship to job and educational levels and that both of these will have to be raised in order to narrow the wage gap; - that in general employers show a sound approach to the remuneration of their Black employees, but that they apparently are in need of a system by which it may be effectively implemented.

Verslag word gelewer oor die belangrikste bevindings van 'n vraelysondersoek by werkgewers oor die vergoeding van Swart werknemers in Suid-Afrika. Daar is onder meer bevind: - dat die meeste van die gewone grensvoordele reeds taamlik algemeen aangebied word, of dat werkgewers bewus is van die nodigheid daarvan; - dat lone nou saamhang met posvlakke en met opvoedkundige peil, wat albei verhoog sal moet word om die loongaping te vernou; - dat werkgewers oor die algemeen 'n gesonde benadering toon tot die vergoeding van hulle Swart werkers maar blykbaar behoefte het aan 'n stelsel waarvolgens dit op 'n gesonde manier gedoen kan word.


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