Original Research

Die toepassing van die Q-metode van die NIPN vir poswaardering by kooperasies

A. L. Barnard
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a306 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.306 | © 1978 A. L. Barnard | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 November 1978 | Published: 28 November 1978

About the author(s)

A. L. Barnard,, South Africa

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The application of the Q-method of job evaluation in 13 small, medium and big co-operatives, is discussed. Specific attention is given to the purpose and method of investigation; the findings and recommendations made to the various boards of directors as well as the specific problems encountered in the application of the Q-method and the establishment of an integrated salary structure. Differences between the three categories of cooperatives regarding pay curves, the under or over payment of comparable job grades etc., are discussed.

Die toepassing van die Q-metode van poswaardering by 13 koöperasies, bestaande uit klein, middelslag en groot koöperasies, word bespreek. Aandag word veral aan die doel en metode van ondersoek gewy. Verder word bevindinge en aanbevelings aan die verskillende direksies bespreek rakende spesifieke probleme wat ervaar is met betrekking tot die toepassing van die Q-metode en die koppeling van posgrade met salarisskale. Verskille tussen die drie kategorieë koöperasies ten opsigte van salariskurwes, oor- of onderbetaling van vergelykbare posgrade, ens. word aangedui.


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