Original Research

Die gebruik en doelstreffendheid van organisasieontwikkelingstegnieke in 73 groot Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies

L. D. Coetsee, E. A. Coster, A. M. Van Niekerk
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a316 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.316 | © 1980 L. D. Coetsee, E. A. Coster, A. M. Van Niekerk | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 November 1980 | Published: 28 November 1980

About the author(s)

L. D. Coetsee,
E. A. Coster,
A. M. Van Niekerk,

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Data on various aspects regarding the use of Organisational Development techniques (OD-techniques) in 73 large South African organisations indicate that OD-practice is founded on a sound scientific basis in some of these organisations. In other organisations the use of OD-techniques are characterised by the problems typically found in many organisations overseas. The specific problems and their possible causes are discussed and some proposals for the improvement of OD-practice are made.


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