Original Research

Construct Validity Of The Career Resilience Questionnaire

Gideon P. de Bruin, Charlene C. Lew
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 28, No 1 | a32 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v28i1.32 | © 2002 Gideon P. de Bruin, Charlene C. Lew | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 19 September 2002 | Published: 20 September 2002

About the author(s)

Gideon P. de Bruin, University of Stellenbosch
Charlene C. Lew,

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The construct validity of the Career Resilience Questionnaire (Fourie & VanVuuren, 1998) was investigated by means of an oblique multiple groups factor analysis.The highest factor structure coefficients of several of the items did not coincide with the respective factors that the items were postulated to measure. In addition, the correlations among the factors cast doubt on the independence of some of the constructs.

Die konstrukgeldigheid van die CareerResilience Questionnaire (Fourie & VanVuuren,1998) is aan die hand van die gekorreleerde meervoudige-groeperingsmetode van faktorontleding ondersoek. Die resultate dui daarop dat verskeie items nie hulle hoogste faktorstruktuurkoeffisiente op die gepostuleerde faktore gehad het nie.Verder het die korrelasies tussen die faktore daarop gedui dat die gepostuleerde konstrukte nie onafhanklik is nie.


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Crossref Citations

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Journal of Social Science  vol: 31  issue: 4  first page: 45  year: 2020  
doi: 10.16881/jss.2020.