Original Research

Positiewe prestasiebeoordeling

S. W. Krugel
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a320 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.320 | © 1980 S. W. Krugel | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 November 1980 | Published: 28 November 1980

About the author(s)

S. W. Krugel,

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In this article a plea is being made for a more positive approach to performance appraisal. The subject is discussed under the following headings: Shortcomings in the traditional performance appraisal methods; Guidelines for better performance rating; and The design of an effective performance appraisal procedure. The conclusion is reached that the solution to performance rating problems lies in the direction of a pursuance of a "systems" or comprehensive approach to rating problems; with special reference to human factors, structural aspects, dynamic aspects, and environmental factors.

In hierdie artikel word ‘n meer positiewe benadering tot prestasiebeoordeling bepleit. Die onderwerp word onder die volgende hoofpunte bespreek: Leemtes in die tradisionele prestasiebeoordelingstelsels; Riglyne ten opsigte van ‘n meer doeltreffende merieteaanslag; en Die ontwerp van ‘n doeltreffende prestasiebeoordelingsprosedure. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die oplossing van beoordelingsprobleme geleë is in die nastrewing van ‘n "stelsels-" of komprehensiewe benadering met besondere verwysing na menslike faktore, strukturele aspekte, dinamiese aspekte en omgewingsfaktore.


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