Original Research

Gedragsvergadering: 'n Nuwe konsep in Toesighouding

A. D. de Bod, J. H. Garner
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a341 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.341 | © 1983 A. D. de Bod, J. H. Garner | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 29 November 1983 | Published: 29 November 1983

About the author(s)

A. D. de Bod, S.A. Vervoerdienste, South Africa
J. H. Garner, S.A. Vervoerdienste

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Behaviour expansion is a training technology developed specifically to enable the supervisor to perform effectively in various situations. The technology is conceptually described by coupling it to existing learning theories and training techniques. The operationalization of the technology by developing and experimentally evaluating a behaviour expansion course (N = 60 supervisors) is also discussed. The results show that supervisors, through behaviour expansion training are able to handle interpersonal situations more effectively, develop a broad repertoire of behaviour and exhibit a higher degree of task and person orientation.

Gedragsverbreding is 'n opleidingstegnologie wat spesifiek ontwikkel is om die toesighouer in staat te stel om doeltreffend in verskillende situasies op te tree. Die tegnologie word konseptueel beskryf deur dit aan bestaande leerteorieë en opleidingstegnieke te koppel. Daarna word 'n eerste poging aangewend om dit te perasionaliseer deur 'n gedragverbredingskursus te ontwikkel en eksperimenteel te evalueer (N=60 toesighouers). Die resultate toon dat die toesighouers deur die gedragsverbredingsopleiding in staat is om interpersoonlike situasies meer doeltreffend te hanteer, 'n breë repertoire van gedrag ontwikkel en 'n hoër mate van taak- en mensgerigtheid openbaar.


Gedragsvergadering; toesighouding


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