Original Research

Die meting van die gelyktydige hantering van teenstrydige en dubbelsinnige inligting as kritieke eienskap in 'n verskeidenheid van Beroepe

W. S. de Villiers, I. van W Raubenheimer
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a345 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.345 | © 1983 W. S. de Villiers, I. van W Raubenheimer | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 29 November 1983 | Published: 29 November 1983

About the author(s)

W. S. de Villiers, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, South Africa
I. van W Raubenheimer, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa

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Since very little is known about how to deal with conflicting and ambiguous information as a work attribute an attempt was made to define this particular construct and subject it to empirical research. An instrument (the in basket exercise) was developed to measure employees' efficiency in dealing with conflicting and ambiguous information. This instrument together with instruments for measuring a number of related traits were administered to 468 subjects. It was determined that the capacity to deal with conflicting and ambiguous information has a certain relationship with intelligence and sensory cognitive judgement. No relationship could be found with certain personality traits. In all probability a separate construct is indicated by this research.

Min informasie bestaan omtrent die hantering van teenstrydige en dubbelsinnige inligting as kritieke vermoë in vele werksituasies. Met hierdie ondersoek is daar gepoog om die konstruk te omlyn en aan 'n empiriese verifiering te onderwerp. ‘n Meetinstrument (posmandjie) is ontwikkel om die hantering van teenstrydige en dubbelsinnige inligting te meet en is saam met ander meetinstrumente ter omlyning van die genoemde konstruk aan twee groepe proefpersone geadministreer. Daar is vasgestel dat hierdie vermoë verband hou met intellektuele vermoëns en sensories kognitiewe oordeel en nie met sekere persoonlikheids- en ander determinante van mens like gedrag nie en dat dit na alle waarskynlikheid dui op die bestaan van 'n afsonderlike werksvermoë of konstruk.


meting; hantering; teenstrydige; dubbelsinnige inligting; Beroepe


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