Original Research

Kollektiewe bedinging binne die Suid-Afrikaanse vervaardigingsbedryftak

H. O. L. Kamffer, B. C. Lessing, M. M. Fouché
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a354 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.354 | © 1984 H. O. L. Kamffer, B. C. Lessing, M. M. Fouché | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 29 November 1984 | Published: 29 November 1984

About the author(s)

H. O. L. Kamffer,, South Africa
B. C. Lessing, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa
M. M. Fouché, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa

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A comparative literary study of the collective bargaining systems of four countries (U.S.A., Britain, West Germany and South Africa) is presented in order to facilitate the identification of conflict issues in the South African collective system. 165 Employers and 75 trade unions in the South African manufacturing industry were used as u randomly selected sample. A Likert questionnaire was designed to measure the attitudes of the sample employers and unions regarding conflict issues. The results indicate strong differences of opinion between the participating groups about the efficiency of the present industrial relations and collective bargaining systems in South Africa. An explanation for obtained results is given and recommendations for further research and development work are made.

Die gebrek aan konsensus aangaande 'n ideale nywerheidsverhoudinge en kollektiewe bedingingsisteem vir Suid-Afrika kan toegeskryf word aan die verskillende houdings van die onderskeie partye daarby betrokke. Dit lei op sy beurt weer tot konflik tussen die onderskeie partye. 'n Vergelykende literatuurstudie van die kollektiewe bedingingsisteem van vier lande (tewete V.S.A. Brittanje, Wes-Duitsland en Suid-Afrika) is gedoen ten einde konflikaan- geleenthede in die Suid-Afrikaanse kollektiewe bedingingsisteem te identifiseer. 'n Ewekansige steekproef van 165 werkgewers en 75 vakbonde in die Suid-Afrikaanse vervaardigingsbedryfstak is in die studie betrek. Die houdinge aangaande die geïdentifiseerde onflikaangeleenthede is met behulp van 'n Likertvraelys verkry. Die resultate dui op sterk meningsverskille tussen die deelnemende groepe omtrent die doeltreffendheid van die bestaande nywerheids verhoudinge en kollektiewe bedingingstelsel in Suid-Afrika. Aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing en ontwikkelingswerk word gemaak.


bedinging; vervaardigingsbedryftak


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