Original Research
The taxonomic structure of rewards as work outcomes
Submitted: 30 April 1986 | Published: 30 April 1986
About the author(s)
W. I. Myburgh, University of Durban- Westville, South AfricaL. D. Coetsee, Metropolitan Life Limited Cape Town, South Africa
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PDF (987KB)Abstract
Contemporary cognitive process theories of motivation, specifically expectancy/valence theory, use rewards as an important work outcome variable, to explain and predict the interaction processes between motivation and other variables. To date, relatively little attention has been given to define and describe work outcomes empirically. Use is currently made of a hierarchical extrinsic/intrinsic structure, representing outcomes grouped together with universal valence and related to each other. This investigation aims to investigate this taxonomy.
In kontemporere kognitiewe prosesteoriee van motivering en veral verwagtingsteorie, word verwys na werksuitkomstes (vergoeding) as 'n belangrike veranderlike in die verklaring en voorspelling van die interaksieprosesse tussen ander motiveringsfaktore. Tot dusver is relatiefmin aandag bestee om werksuitkomstes empiries te ontleed en te beskryfen teoretici gebruik tans 'n hierargiese struktuur om, uitkomstes wat oor universiele valensie beskik en onderling met mekaar verband hou, te groepeer in ekstrinsieke en intrinsieke uitkomstes of vergoedings. In hierdie ondersoek word gepoog om hierdie taksonomie empirics na te vors.
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