Original Research

Type a behaviour pattern and performance as insurance representative

D. J. W. Strumpfer, K. Goudie
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 17, No 1 | a517 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v17i1.517 | © 1991 D. J. W. Strumpfer, K. Goudie | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 19 June 1991 | Published: 20 June 1991

About the author(s)

D. J. W. Strumpfer, University of Cape Town, South Africa
K. Goudie, University of Cape Town, South Africa

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Participants were 155 insurance representatives and 116 of them who were still in the same position one year later. The performance criterion represented commission on policies and annuities sold; data were obtained for the year of testing and the next year. The Jenkins Activity Survey was administered. The Type A (M === 6.26; SD == 7.90) was not excessively high. The Factor H score correlated r (114) - 0,23, p = 0,05 with the criterion for the second year; no other score correlated significantly with criterion scores. Interventions to reduce Type A behaviour for health reasons seem unlikely to reduce business performance.

Die deelnemers was 155 assuransieverteenwoordigers en 116 van hulle wat een jaar later nog in dieselfde pos was. Die prestasiekriterium het kommissie op polisse en annuiteite verteenwoordig; gegewens is vir die jaar van toetsing en die volgende jaar verkry. Jenkins se Aktiviteitsvraelys is toegepas. Die Tipe A (X == 6.26; SA - 790) was nie buitengewoon hoog nie. Die Faktor H-telling het r (114) - 0,23, p - 0,05 met die kriterium vir die tweede jaar gekorreleer; geen ander tellings het beduidend met die kriteriumtellings gekorreleer nie. Dit lyk onwaarskynlik dat intervensies om Tipe A-gedrag om gesondheidsredes te verminder besigheidsprestasie sal verlaag.


Behaviour pattern; Performance; Insurance representative


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