Original Research

Worker's perceptions of time, time-use-attitudes and productivity

E. Ben-Baruch, C. P. H. Myburgh, E. C. Anderssen
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 17, No 3 | a531 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v17i3.531 | © 1991 E. Ben-Baruch, C. P. H. Myburgh, E. C. Anderssen | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 19 June 1991 | Published: 20 June 1991

About the author(s)

E. Ben-Baruch, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
C. P. H. Myburgh, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
E. C. Anderssen, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa

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Decreasing productivity and increasing wage demands are singled out as being crucial problems facing the economy of South Africa. Changes in the time perceptions and time-use-attitudes of workers could play a decisive role in increasing productivity. The relationships between time perception, needs, motivation and productivity are analysed. Culture, tradition, economy, and environment lend a specific significance to these variables. Workers in a technological society should be guided to adapt to and live by the value system needed to uphold productivity.

Voortdurende afnemende produktiwiteit teenoor looneise wat styg, is een van die kritieke probleme waarmee die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie gekonfronteer word. Die verandering van werkers se tydpersepsie en verandering van houdinge teenoor die benutting van tyd kan deurslaggewend in die verhoging van produktiwiteit wees. In die lig hiervan is die verwantskap tussen tydpersepsie, behoeftes, motivering en prodrktiwiteit ondersoek. In die ontleding word aandag geskenk aan die invloed wat kultuur, tradisie, ekonomie en die omgewing op hierdie veranderlikes het. Opieiding in 'n tegnologiese samelewmg behoort daarop gerig te wees om 'n waardesisteem by werkers te laat ontwikkel wat produktiwiteit kan bevorder.


Worker's perceptions of time; Worker's perceptions of time-use-attitudes; Worker's perceptions of productivity


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