Original Research

The perceived quality of working life and job facet satisfaction

E. A. Coster
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 18, No 2 | a540 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v18i2.540 | © 1992 E. A. Coster | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 19 June 1992 | Published: 19 June 1992

About the author(s)

E. A. Coster,, South Africa

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To improve our understanding of the influence of the domains of the quality of working life on job satisfaction, recent research suggests that job facet satisfaction may be more strongly related to specific job domains than to overall job satisfaction. This study examined the relationships between job facet satisfaction, in eleven specific job facets, overall satisfaction and the perceived quality of working life. The results supported the hypothesis. Similar results were obtained after factor analysing the specific job facets indicating the use of studying specific job domains and their respective job facet satisfactions.

Ter uitbreiding van ons begrip van watter uitwerking die domeine van die gehalte van werklewe op werkbevrediging het, dui onlangse navorsing daarop dat werkfasetbevrediging moontlik 'n sterker verband met spesifieke werkdomeine as met algemene werkbevrediging toon. In hierdie studie is die verhouding tussen werkfasetbevrediging t.o.v. elf spesifieke werkfasette, algehele bevrediging en die waargenome gehalte van werklewe ondersoek. Die bevindinge ondersteun die gestelde hipotese. Soortgelyke resultate is verkry na faktoranalise van die spesifieke werkfasette, wat daarop dui dat dit nuttig kan wees om spesifieke werkdomeine en die ooreenstemmende werkfasetbevrediging daaraan verbonde te bestudeer.


Working life; Job facet satisfaction


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Crossref Citations

1. Organizational culture as a predictor of job satisfaction: the role of gender and age
Victoria Bellou
Career Development International  vol: 15  issue: 1  first page: 4  year: 2010  
doi: 10.1108/13620431011020862