Original Research

Measuring identified criteria of consumer awareness for various demographic categories amongst two independent samples

D. Rousseau, D. Venter
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 18, No 3 | a547 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v18i3.547 | © 1992 D. Rousseau, D. Venter | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 19 June 1992 | Published: 20 June 1992

About the author(s)

D. Rousseau, Psychology University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa
D. Venter, Psychology University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa

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This article describes the measurement and comparison of different levels of consumer awareness observed in an empirical investigation involving two independent samples of consumers. A questionnaire developed and validated in a pilot study was administered to a national and regional based sample involving 558 and 300 respondents respectively Different levels of consumer awareness emerged for the two sample populations. Respondents from the national sample scored higher on bargain hunting and price consciousness while those from the regional sample scored higher on general consumer knowledge, product knowledge and information search. These differences in consumer awareness could be caused by consumer education.

Hierdie artikel beskryf die meting en vergelyking van verskillende vlakke van verbruikersbewustheid soos waargeneem in 'n empiriese ondersoek waarby twee onafhanklike steekproewe betrokke was. 'n Vraelys ontwikkel en getoets in 'n loodstudie is geadministreer op 'n nasionale en streeksteekproef basis waarby 558 en 300 respondente onderskeidelik betrokke was. Verskillende vlakke van verbruikersbewustheid het na vore getree in die twee steekproewe. Respondente uit die nasionale steekproef behaal hoër tellings op winskopiejagting en prysbewustheid terwyl respondente uit die streeksteekproef hoër tellings behaal op algemene verbruikerskennis, produkkennis en inligtinginwinning. Hierdie verskille in verbruikersbewustheid kan veroorsaak word deur verbruikersopvoeding.


Consumer awareness


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Crossref Citations

1. Genç Tüketicilerin Mikro Plastik İçeren Ürünlere Yönelik Tutumunun Öncülleri Ve Ardıllarının Modellenmesi
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