Original Research

Sensitiewe relasievorming as bestuursdimensie: Die evaluering van 'n ontwikkelingsprogram

F. V. N. Cilliers, M. P. Wissing
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 19, No 1 | a549 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v19i1.549 | © 1993 F. V. N. Cilliers, M. P. Wissing | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 20 June 1993 | Published: 20 June 1993

About the author(s)

F. V. N. Cilliers, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, South Africa
M. P. Wissing, Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO, South Africa

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Sensitive relationship forming as managerial dimension; the evaluation of a developmental programme. Interpersonal effectiveness in management is conceptualised as sensitive relationship forming with respect, realness, empathy and concreteness are core behavioural dimensions. As concurrent characteristics to these skills/ psychological optimal functioning is described with its specific intrapersonal, interpersonal and work-related characteristics. A developmental programme for the stimulation of sensitive relationship forming is constructed and applied to three groups of middle managers. The psychological evaluation shows a significant increase in all four core behavioural dimensions as well as psychological optimal functioning in terms of reality contact, emotional maturity and internal locus of control.

Interpersoonlike effektiwiteit in bestuur word as sensitiewe relasievorming gekonseptualiseer met respek, egtheid, empatie en konkreetheid as kerngedragsdimensies. As saamvallende kenmerke tot hierdie vaardighede, word psigologies optimale funksionering omskryf, met spesifieke intrapersoonlike, interpersoonlike en werksgerigte kenmerke. 'n Ontwikkelingsprogram ter stimulering van sensitiewe relasievorming is saamgestel en op drie groepe middelbestuurders toegepas. Die psigometriese evaluering dui op 'n beduidende toename in al vier kerngedragsdimensies asook psigologies-optimale funksionering in terme van realiteitskontak, emosionele volwassenheid en interne lokus van kontrole.




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