Original Research

Die konstruksie en evaluering van 'n werks tevredenheidvraelys vir predikante

S. M. Van Vuuren, M. Schepers
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 19, No 1 | a552 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v19i1.552 | © 1993 S. M. Van Vuuren, M. Schepers | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 19 June 1993 | Published: 20 June 1993

About the author(s)

S. M. Van Vuuren, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa
M. Schepers, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa

Full Text:



The construction and evaluation of a job satisfaction inventory for ministers. Job satisfaction is a multidimensional construct indicating the degree of adjustment of a worker to his work. A questionnaire was constructed for measuring the various aspects of job satisfaction of ministers. It was administered to 307 ministers. First and second order factor analyses were performed on the items of the questionnaire. Three strong factors of the job satisfaction of ministers were identified, viz. satisfaction with the work as such, the minister's experience of the relationships between him and his wife on the one hand, and his church council and congregation on the other hand, and his vocational self concept. The implications of these findings are discussed.

Werkstevredenheid is 'n meerdimensionele konstruk wat 'n aanduiding gee van die mate waarin 'n werker in sy werk aanpas. 'n Vraelys om verskeie aspekte van die werkstevredenheid van predikante te meet, is gekonstrueer. Dit is op 'n steekproef van 307 predikante toegepas. Eerste- en tweedeorde-faktorontledings is op die items van die vraelys uitgevoer. Drie sterk faktore van die werkstevredenheid van predikante is geidentifiseer, te wete die belewing van sy werk as sodanig, die belewing van die verhouding tussen horn en sy vrou aan die een kant, en die kerkraad en gemeente aan die ander kant, en sy beroepselfkonsep. Die implikasies van die bevindinge word bespreek.


Werks tevredenheidvraelys; Predikante


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Crossref Citations

1. HIV and the South African Constitution: Claiming Rights to Combat an Epidemic.
Timothy Fish Hodgson, Mark Heywood
SSRN Electronic Journal  year: 2015  
doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2610082