Original Research

The dimensions of employee commitment: a South African confirmatory factor analysis

L. Kamfer, D. J. L. Venter, A. B. Boshoff
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 20, No 2 | a571 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v20i2.571 | © 1994 L. Kamfer, D. J. L. Venter, A. B. Boshoff | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 20 June 1994 | Published: 20 June 1994

About the author(s)

L. Kamfer, University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa
D. J. L. Venter, University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa
A. B. Boshoff, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Full Text:



Instruments measuring overall/ moral/ calculative, and alienative commitment as well as seven other related dimensions were applied to 188 employees of a pharmaceutical company. Through principal factor analysis three factors, viz. an overall positive perception of the organisation, and two commitment factors, namely an affective commitment factor and a calculative commitment factor, explaining 73 of the total variance were extracted. By means of a confirmatory factor analysis the solution was compared with one, two, and four-factor models. A conceptualisation of commitment in terms of two factors, affective and calculative, was supported.

Skale vir die meting van algemene, morele, berekende en vervreemde verbondenheid is op 188 werknemers van 'n farmaseutiese maatskappy toegepas tesame met sewe ander skale wat verwante organisatoriese dimensies gemeet het. Deur middel van hooffaktorontleding is drie faktore/ te wete 'n oorkoepelende positiewe persepsie van die organisasie en twee verbondenheidsfaktore, een affektief en die ander berekend/ onttrek/ wat saam 73 van die totale variansie verklaar het. Deur middel van bevestigende faktorontleding is bogenoemde opiossing met een-/twee- en vierfaktormodelle vergelyk. 'n Konseptualisering van verbondenheid in terme van twee faktore, affektief en berekend/ is gesteun.


Dimensions; employee commitment; South African; confirmatory factor analysis


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