Original Research

Die faktorstruktuur van die 19 veld-belangstellings-vraelys en Holland se struktuur van belangstellings

G. P. de Bruin, K. du Toit
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 21, No 3 | a595 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v21i3.595 | © 1995 G. P. de Bruin, K. du Toit | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 20 June 1995 | Published: 20 June 1995

About the author(s)

G. P. de Bruin, Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat, South Africa
K. du Toit, Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat, South Africa

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The 19 Field Interest Inventory (19FII) has been used for the assessment of the interests of white South Africans for more than twenty years. This inventory gives a detailed but uneconomical description of a person's interests in terms of 19 fields. A further shortcoming is that the inventory is not based on any specific theory. Holland offers a theoretically sound and more economical description of interests in terms of six fields. A factor analysis of the 19 fields of the 19FII was undertaken to determine to what extent the factors would correspond with Holland's fields. Three Holland fields received strong support, whilst the remaining three received tentative support. The discrepancies may be ascribed to the restricted nature of the sample, namely prospective white male university students.

Die 19 Veld-belangstellingsvraelys (19VBV) word al vir langer as twintig jaar gebruik vir die taksering van blanke Suid-Afrikaners se beroepsbelangstellings. Hierdie vraelys bied 'n gedetailleerde, maar onekonomiese beskrywing van 'n persoon se belangstellings in terme van 19 velde. Hierdie vraelys is ook nie op enige onderliggende teoretiese rasionaal gebaseer nie. Hierteenoor bied Holland 'n teoreties verantwoorde en meer ekonomiese beskrywing van belangstellings in terme van ses velde. 'n Faktorontleding is op 'n datastel wat aan die hand van die 19VBV verkry is uitgevoer om te sien tot watter mate die faktore sal ooreenstem met Holland se velde. Sterk bevestiging vir drie van Holland se velde is gevind/ terwyl die ander drie velde tentatiewe ondersteuning verkry het. Die afwykings kan moontlik aan die geselekteerde aard van die steekproef, naamlik voornemende blanke manlike universiteitstudente, toegeskryf word.


Faktorstruktuur; 19 veld-belangstellings-vraelys; Holland se belangstellings


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