Original Research

'n psigometriese oudit op ‘n bestaande keuringsprosedure

E. Cross, W. Marais, H. Steel, C. C. Theron
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 28, No 3 | a61 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v28i3.61 | © 2002 E. Cross, W. Marais, H. Steel, C. C. Theron | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 23 October 2002 | Published: 23 October 2002

About the author(s)

E. Cross,
W. Marais,
H. Steel,
C. C. Theron,

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The validity and credibility of assertions on the efficiency and equity of selection procedures is dependent on the methodology with which the procedure was developed and justified. An ideal approach to the development and justification of a selection procedure was derived from standard guidelines and operationalized in the form of a comprehensive checklist. A psychometric audit on the developmental history of the selection procedure for the selection of commission advisors was undertaken. Various shortcomings were identified and rectified or recommendations were made on rectifying them. The audit found that the selection procedure had zero validity, negative utility and discriminated unfairly.

Die geldigheid en geloofwaardigheid van uitsprake oor die effektiwiteit en billikheid van ‘n keuringsprosedure is ‘n funksie van die metodologie waarmee die prosedure ontwikkel en regverdig is. ‘n Ideale benadering tot die ontwikkeling en regverdiging van ‘n keuringsprosedure is uit standaard riglyne afgelei en geoperasionaliseer in die vorm van ‘n omvattende kontrolelys. ‘n Psigometriese oudit is onderneem op die ontwikkelingsgeskiedenis van ‘n keuringsprosedure vir die keuring van kommissie-adviseurs. Verskeie tekortkominge is geïdentifiseer en reggestel of aanbevelings ten opsigte van regstelling is gemaak. Die oudit het bevind dat die keuringsprosedure oor zero geldigheid beskik, negatiewe nutwaarde toon en onbillik diskrimineer.


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