Original Research

Die persoonlikheidsprofiel van suksesvolle bewakingsdienspersoneel

T. L. Nell, L. Kamfer, R. P. Van Der Merwe, D. J. L. Venter
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 22, No 3 | a610 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v22i3.610 | © 1996 T. L. Nell, L. Kamfer, R. P. Van Der Merwe, D. J. L. Venter | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 23 June 1996 | Published: 23 June 1996

About the author(s)

T. L. Nell, Universiteit van Port Elizabeth, South Africa
L. Kamfer, Universiteit van Port Elizabeth, South Africa
R. P. Van Der Merwe, Universiteit van Port Elizabeth, South Africa
D. J. L. Venter, Universiteit van Port Elizabeth, South Africa

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The personality profile of successful prison warders. In an attempt to develop a personality profile for successful prison warders, scores on CattelFs 16-PF (SA92-form) were obtained from 361 warders employed by the South African Department of Correctional Services. Independent criterion information (tempo of promotion) was also obtained and used as indicator of job success. Using Hotelling's T2, it was found that the first order factor profiles of successful and unsuccessful warders differed significantly. There was no difference in their second order profiles. By means of stepwise discriminant analysis with personality as independent and success (expressed as a dichotomy) as the dependant variable, four first order factors were identified and formulae derived which predicted 14,8 better than chance whether a warder would be correctly classified as successful or not on the dichotomous success criterion.

In 'n poging om 'n persoonlikheidsprofiel vir suksesvolle bewakingsdienspersoneel saam te stel, is response op Cattell se 16-PF (SA92-vorm) vanaf 361 bewakingsdienspersoneellede werksaam by die Suid-Afrikaanse Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste, verkry. Inligting in terme van onafhanklike kriterium (tempo van bevordering) is ook verkry en gebruik as aanduiding van werksukses. Deur die gebruik van Hotelling se T2 is bepaal dat die ecrsteorde profiele van suksesvolle en onsuksesvolle bewakingsdienslede beduidend van mekaar verskil. Daar is geen beduidende verskil ten opsigte van die tweedeorde profiele gevind nie. Deur middel van stapsgewyse diskriminantontleding, met persoonlikheid as onafhanklike en sukses (uitgedruk as 'n digotomie) as afhanklike veranderlike, is vier eersteorde faktore geidentifiseer en formules saamgestel wat 14,8 beter as toeval kan voorspel of "n persoon suksesvol of onsuksesvol volgens die digotomiese sukseskriterium sal wees.


Persoonlikheidsprofiel; Bewakingsdienspersoneel


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