Original Research

Individualiteit, kollektiwiteit en lokus van beheer as mikroveranderlikes van diversiteit

H. S. Rieger, C. J. H. Blignaut
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 22, No 3 | a614 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v22i3.614 | © 1996 H. S. Rieger, C. J. H. Blignaut | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 23 June 1996 | Published: 23 June 1996

About the author(s)

H. S. Rieger, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa
C. J. H. Blignaut, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa

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Individuality, collectivity and locus of control as micro variables of diversity. The principal aim of the study was to construct an instrument to measure individuality and collectivity as micro variables of diversity in the South African context. The Individuality-collectivity Inventory was applied to 326 university students. A factor analysis on 80 items yielded two factors. These factors were interpreted as collectivity and individuality. The two scales were subjected to an item analysis and yielded reliability coefficients of 0,86 and 0,910. A secondary aim of the study was to determine whether any correlation exists between individuality, collectivity and locus of control. The two sub-scales of the Individuality-collectivity Inventory were correlated with the three sub-scales of the Locus of Control Inventory. Statistically significant positive correlations were found to exist between individuality, internal locus of control and autonomy. The implications of the findings on the management of diversity are discussed.

Die hoofdoel van die studie was om 'n instrument vir die meting van die konstrukte individualiteit en kollektiwiteit as mikroveranderlikes van diversiteit in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks daar te stel. Die Individualiteit-kollektiwiteitskaal is op 326 universiteitstudente toegepas. 'n Faktorontleding op 80 items het twee faktore tot gevolg gehad/ naamlik Individualiteit en Kollektiwiteit. Die twee skale is vervolgens aan 'n itemontleding onderwerp en betroubaarhede van 0,86 en 0,910 is onderskeidelik opgelewer. 'n Sekondere doelwit van die studie was om te bepaal of daar 'n verband tussen individualiteit, kollektiwiteit en lokus van beheer bestaan. Die twee sub-skale van die Individualiteitkollektiwiteitskaal is met die drie sub-skale van die Lokus van Beheer-vraelys gekorreleer. Statisties beduidende positiewe korrelasies bestaan tussen individualiteit, interne lokus van beheer en outonomie. Die implikasies van die bevindinge vir die bestuur van diversiteit word bespreek.


Individualiteit; Kollektiwiteit; Lokus van beheer; Mikroveranderlikes van diversiteit


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