Original Research

Selfbeoordeling as 'n voorspeller van waargenome gesimuleerde bestuursvermoë, soos gemeet in 'n takseersentrum

N. De Beer, L. J. Van Vuuren
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 23, No 1 | a617 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v23i1.617 | © 1997 N. De Beer, L. J. Van Vuuren | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 24 June 1997 | Published: 24 June 1997

About the author(s)

N. De Beer, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa
L. J. Van Vuuren, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa

Full Text:



Self assessment as a predictor of perceived simulated managerial ability as measured by an assessment centre. The purpose of this study was to establish how accurately a person could assess his own managerial ability. With this in mind, a self-assessment questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire was completed by the participants both before and after participation in an assessment centre. It measured, per managerial dimension, the judgment of the participant that his managerial ability complies with that of a senior departmental manager in the organisation. The before-centre self-assessment scores correlate meaningfully with the after-centre self assessment scores. The selfassessment scores are, however, a poor predictor of the observed simulated managerial ability.

Die doel met hierdie studie was om te bepaal in watter mate 'n persoon sy bestuursvermoë korrek kan beoordeel. Met die oog hierop is 'n selfbeoordelingsvraelys ontwerp, wat voor sowel as direk na afloop van deelname aan 'n takseersentrum deur die deelnemers voltooi is. Die vraelys het/ per bestuursdimensie, die mate waarin 'n deelnemer van mening is dat sy bestuursvermoë voldoen aan die van 'n senior afdelingsbestuurder in die organisasie, gemeet. Die voor-sentrum selfbeoordelingtellings en die na-sentrum selfbeoordeling-tellings korreleer betekenisvol. Die voorsentrum selfbeoordelingtellings is egter 'n swak voorspeller van die waargenome gesimuleerde bestuursvermoë.


Selfbeoordeling; Gesimuleerde bestuursvermoë


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