Original Research

Employee-satisfaction: A triangulation approach

P. J. Visser, M. Breed, R. van Breda
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 23, No 2 | a626 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v23i2.626 | © 1997 P. J. Visser, M. Breed, R. van Breda | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 24 June 1997 | Published: 24 June 1997

About the author(s)

P. J. Visser, University of South Africa, South Africa
M. Breed, University of South Africa, South Africa
R. van Breda, Vista University, Pretoria Campus, South Africa

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The research on employee-satisfaction was conducted in the manufacturing industry. The sample consisted of 543 employees. The methodology could be described as a "triangulation approach" where a combination of quantitative and qualitative measurements were utilised and the results of both types of measurement integrated in the study of the construct. The research confirms existing findings that although the measurement of dimensions such as equitable rewards, working conditions, supportive colleagues, job content, etc. yield results on the level of employee-satisfaction, a single question, namely, "How satisfied are you with your job?" compares favourably with the general index. The findings also suggest the advantage of complimenting the quantitative data with qualitative information. The conclusions confirm the value of a qualitative method in cross-cultural research in an African environment.

Die navorsing omtrent werknemerstevredenheid is uitgevoer in die vervaardigingsbedryf. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 543 werknemers. Die metode van ondersoek kan beskryf word as 'n "driekantige benadering" (triangulation approach) waar daar van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe meting gebruik gemaak is en die resultate geihtegreer is in die bestudering van die konstruk. Die navorsing bevestig bestaande bevindinge dat die meting van dimensies soos vergelykbare belonings, werkstoestande, ondersteunende kollegas, inhoud van werk, ens. resultate lewer rakende die vlak van werknemerstevredenheid, 'n enkel vraag, naamlik, "Hoe tevrede is jy met jou werk?" gunstig vergelyk met die algemene indeks. Die bevindinge dui ook op die voordele van 'n benadering waar die kwantitatiewe data gekomplimenteer word deur kwalitatiewe inligting soos verkry uit individuele onderhoude. Die gevolgtrekkings bevestig die waarde wat die kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode inhou vir kruis-kulturele navorsing in 'n Afrika konteks.




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