Original Research

Totale welstand: 'n Nuwe dimensie in die beheer van gesondheidsorg-,werkersafwesigheids- en personeelomsetkostes

L. I. Dreyer, G. L. Strydom, S. van der Merwe
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 23, No 2 | a627 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v23i2.627 | © 1997 L. I. Dreyer, G. L. Strydom, S. van der Merwe | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 24 June 1997 | Published: 24 June 1997

About the author(s)

L. I. Dreyer,, South Africa
G. L. Strydom,, South Africa
S. van der Merwe,, South Africa

Full Text:



Total wellness: A new dimension in the control of health promotion, absenteeism and staff turnover costs. The aim of this study was firstly, to determine what is implied by the concept total wellness, secondly, to determine the rationale behind total wellness as health promotion strategy and thirdly, to study the cost benefits of companysponsored total wellness programmes. The results of this study indicate that the total wellness concept of health promotion is broader than just illness prevention or risk factor identification and treatment. The aim of total wellness programmes seems to be to stimulate and help the individual to start a self-development programme directed at maximizing his potential within all the dimension of health. The rationale behind total wellness as health promotion strategy is based on the fact that human behaviour (lifestyle) is related in a complex manner to psycho-social, environmental and biological factors. Regarding cost benefits it was found that companies can offer total wellness programmes to their workforce in a cost beneficial manner.

Die doel van die studie is eerstens om te bepaal wat presies bedoel word met die konsep totale welstand. Tweedens om te bepaal wat die rasionaal van totale welstand as gesondheidsbevorderingstrategie is en derdens om die koste voordele van ondernemingsgefundeerde totale welstandsprogramme te bestudeer. Die resultate van die studie dui daarop dat totale welstand 'n veel wyer/breër konsep is as die blote behandeling of voorkoming van siektes. Die doel van totale welstandsprogramme blyk te wees om die individu op 'n selfontwikkelingspad na die bereiking van optimale persoonlike potensiaal binne al die dimensies van gesondheid te plaas. Die konsep berus op die rasionaal dat gedrag komplekse interaksies met verskeie sosio-psigologiese/ omgewings- en biologiese faktore vertoon. Betreffende die kostevoordele van suike programme vir die onderneming blyk dit dat gesondheidsbevorderingsprogramme op 'n kostevoordelige wyse aangebied kan word.


Gesondheidsorgomsetkostes; Werkersafwesigheidsomsetkostes; Personeelomsetkostes


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