Original Research

Die effekvan punttoekenningstandaarde op die korrelasie tussen matriek- en universiteitsprestasie

G. K. Huysamen
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 25, No 3 | a683 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v25i3.683 | © 1999 G. K. Huysamen | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 25 June 1999 | Published: 25 June 1999

About the author(s)

G. K. Huysamen, Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat, South Africa

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The effect of marking standards on the correlation between matriculation and university performance. Marking standards differ between courses in the sense that the same group of students shows different course means in different courses. Goldman andWidawski (1976) proposed a within-persons procedure to adjust for such differences between university departments and Elliott and Strenta (1988) adjusted this procedure to perform such corrections between courses within departments. In this study the correlation between matriculation performance and university performance has been increased by applying this adjustment not only to university courses but also to matriculation subjects.

Punttoekenningstandaarde verskil tussen kursusse in die opsig dat dieselfde groep studente verskillende kursusgemiddeldes in verskillende kursusse toon. Goldman en Widawski (1976) het 'n tussenproefpersoonprosedure voorgestel om vir sodanige verskille tussen universiteitsdepartemente te korrigeer en Elliott en Strenta (1988) het dit aangepas om sodanige korreksies tussen kursusse binne departemente uit te voer. In hierdie ondersoek is die korrelasie tussen matriekprestasie en universiteitsprestasie verhoog deur hierdie aanpassing nie slegs op universiteit-kursusse nie, maar ook op matriekvakke toe te pas.


Punttoekenningstandaarde; Matriek- en universiteitsprestasie


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