Original Research

Strategic human resource management and organizational performance: Testing a typology of fit

A. S. Engelbrecht, R. G. Erasmus, N. Sivasubramaniam
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 25, No 3 | a684 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v25i3.684 | © 1999 A. S. Engelbrecht, R. G. Erasmus, N. Sivasubramaniam | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 25 June 1999 | Published: 25 June 1999

About the author(s)

A. S. Engelbrecht, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
R. G. Erasmus, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
N. Sivasubramaniam, Binghamton University, United States

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To be utilized effectively and to have a positive effect on the multitude of complex challenges facing South African organizations, human resources (HR) have to be managed in a strategically correct manner. This study investigated the performance implications of two types of fit in strategic human resource management (SHRM). The results indicated that an organizations HR strategy had a moderating effect on the relationship between business strategy and performance. Furthermore, the survey indicated that organizations could be classified according to clusters of internally consistent HR practices, with some performance differences across the clusters. Finally, evidences for the validity of the proposed typology of fit were found, thus making a contribution to theory- building in the field of SHRM.

Ten einde menslike hulpbronne (MH) effektief te benut, asook die vele komplekse uitdagings waarmee Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies worstel die hoof te kan bied, moet menslike hulpbronne op 'n strategies korrekte wyse bestuur word. In hierdie studio is die prestasie-implikasies van twee tipes passing in strategiese menslike hulpbronbestuur (SMHB) ondersoek. Die resultate toon dat n organisasie se MH-strategie 'n modererende invloed op die verband tussen besigheidstrategie en prestasie uitoefen. Die ondersoek dui verder daarop dat organisasies in bondels van intern konsekwente MH aktiwiteite geklassifiseer kan word, met onderlinge verskille in orgamsatoriese prestasie tussen die bondels. Laastens is bewyse vir die geldigheid van die voorgestelde tipologie van passing gevind, waardeur 'n bydrae tot teoriebou in die veld van SMHB gemaak is.


Human resource management; Organizational performance; Typology of fit


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