Original Research

Managing service quality: Human resource management strategies

K. K. Govender
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 26, No 3 | a719 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v26i3.719 | © 2000 K. K. Govender | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 26 June 2000 | Published: 26 June 2000

About the author(s)

K. K. Govender, University of Transkei, South Africa

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This article reports the results of an empirical evaluation of a conceptual service encounter management model (Govender, 1999). The various hypotheses proposed to show a relationship between formal and informal socialisation strategies, and the bank employees' perception of the organisational climate and their role are empirically evaluated. Furthermore, the mediated effects of these socialization tactics on the bank customers perception of the service quality was also ascertained by matching a random sample of 210 bank employees with 1050 customers.

Hierdie artikel rapporteer die resultate van n empiriese evaluering van n konseptuele dienservaringsbestuursmodel (Govender, 1999). Verskeie hipoteses word voorgehou om n verband tussen formele en informele sosialise- ringstrategiee aan te toon, en die bankwerkers se persepsie van die organisatoriese klimaat en hulle rolle word empirics geevalueer.Verder word die modererende effek van hierdie sosialiseringstrategie op die bankkliente se persepsie van dienskwaliteit bepaal deur 'n ewekansige steekproefvan 210 bankwerkers met 1050 kliente af te paar.


Managing service quality; Human resource management strategies


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