Original Research

Psychometric comparison of paper-and-pencil and online personality assessments in a selection setting

Tina Joubert, Hendrik J. Kriek
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 35, No 1 | a727 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v35i1.727 | © 2009 Tina Joubert, Hendrik J. Kriek | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 10 July 2008 | Published: 04 July 2009

About the author(s)

Tina Joubert, SHL, South Africa
Hendrik J. Kriek, University of South Africa

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The goal of the study was to determine whether the Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32i) yielded comparable results when two different modes of administration, namely paper and-pencil and Internet- based administration, were used in real-life, high-stakes selection settings. Two studies were conducted in which scores obtained online in unproctored settings were compared with scores obtained during proctored paper-and-pencil settings. The psychometric properties of the paper-and-pencil and Internet-based applications were strikingly similar. Structural equation modelling with EQS indicated substantial support for the hypothesis that covariance matrices of the paper-and-pencil and online applications in both studies were identical. It was concluded that relationships between the OPQ32i scales were not affected by mode of administration or supervision.


online assessment; personality questionnaire; equivalence; Occupational Personality Questionnaire; paper-and-pencil assessment


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