Original Research

A multi-cultural investigation into consumer environmental concern

G. G. Rousseau, D. J. L. Venter
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 27, No 1 | a768 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v27i1.768 | © 2001 G. G. Rousseau, D. J. L. Venter | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 05 December 2001 | Published: 05 December 2001

About the author(s)

G. G. Rousseau,
D. J. L. Venter, University of Port Elizabeth

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The main objectives of this study were to investigate the relationship between consumer attitudes and perceptions towards environmental concern and to measure levels of environmental concern amongst multicultural groups. The study was based on past research in the field and uses a modified version of a questionnaire developed by various authors. A non-probability convenience sample (N=340) was drawn from English, Afrikaans and Xhosa-speaking respondents in the Eastern Cape. Fieldwork was carried out by students of Industrial Psychology at the University of Port Elizabeth. Results suggest that cultural influences deduced from home language and suburb are an important factor in determining environmental concern. Results further suggest that environmental concern influences buying preferences and attitudes toward environmental conservation and behaviour. These results have important implications for market segmentation, town planning and development.

Die hoof doelstelling van hierdie studie was om die verband tussen verbruikershoudings en waarnemings ten opsigte van omgewingsbesorgdheid te ondersoek en vlakke van omgewingsbesorgdheid by multikulturele groepe te meet. Die studie is gegrond op vorige navorsing in die veld en gebruik 'n aangepaste weergawe van 'n vraelys ontwikkel deur verskeie outeurs. n Nie-ewekansige gerieflikheidsteekproef (N=340) is getrek uit Engels, Afrikaans en Xhosa-sprekende respondente in die Oos-Kaap. Veldwerk is uitgevoer deur Bedryfsielkunde studente van die Universiteit van Port Elizabeth. Bevindinge suggereer dat kulturele invloede, afgelei van huistaal en voorstad, belangrike faktore is in die bepaling van omgewingsbesorgdheid. Bevindinge suggereer verder dat omgewingsbesorgdheid, koopvoorkeure en houdings ten opsigte van omgewingsbewaring en optrede beihvloed. Hierdie resultate het belangrike implikasies vir marksegmentasie, stadsbeplanning en ontwikkeling.


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