Original Research

The big five personality dimensions and job performance

S. Rothmann, E. P. Coetzer
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 29, No 1 | a88 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v29i1.88 | © 2003 S. Rothmann, E. P. Coetzer | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 24 October 2003 | Published: 24 October 2003

About the author(s)

S. Rothmann, PU for CHE, South Africa
E. P. Coetzer, PU for CHE, South Africa

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The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between personality dimensions and job performance. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The study population consisted of 159 employees of a pharmaceutical company. The NEO-Personality Inventory – Revised and Performance Appraisal Questionnaire were used as measuring instruments. The results showed that Emotional Stability, Extraversion, Openness to Experience and Conscientiousness were related to task performance and creativity. Three personality dimensions, namely Emotional Stability, Openness to Experience and Agreeableness, explained 28% of the variance in participants’ management performance.

Die doelstelling van hierdie navorsing was om die verband tussen persoonlikheidsdimensies en werksprestasie te bepaal. ‘n Eenmalige dwarsdeursnee-ontwerp is gebruik. Die ondersoekgroep het bestaan uit 159 werknemers binne ‘n farmaseutiese organisasie. Die NEO-Personality Inventory – Revised en die Prestasiebeoordelingsvraelys is as meetinstrumente gebruik. Die resultate het aangetoon dat Emosionele Stabiliteit, Ekstroversie en Konsensieusheid met taakverrigting en kreatiwiteit verband hou. Drie persoonlikheidsdimensies, naamlik Emosionele Stabiliteit, Openheid vir Ervaring en Inskiklikheid, het 28% van die variansie in bestuursprestasie (soos beoordeel deur toesighouers) voorspel.


Big five personality dimensions; Job performance


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