Original Research

'n Ondersoek na die persoonlikheidseienskappe van inbelsentrumkonsultante

Y. Moller, F. Crous, J. M. Schepers
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 30, No 2 | a146 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v30i2.146 | © 2004 Y. Moller, F. Crous, J. M. Schepers | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 26 October 2004 | Published: 26 October 2004

About the author(s)

Y. Moller, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa
F. Crous, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa
J. M. Schepers, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa

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An investigation into the personality traits of call centre consultants. Despite the fact that nearly all service organisations in South Africa use call centres to interact with clients, there is limited research detailing the factors that influence staff turnover. It was therefore decided to investigate the personality traits of call centre consultants who experience work satisfaction. This information could help organisations to maintain an effective approach in managing staff turnover. The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) and Jackson Personality Research Form (PRF-E) were applied to a sample of 103 persons. The results showed that there was not a unique personality profile in respect of work satisfaction. However, a self-assertive personality type was identified that is dissatisfied with the extent of work variety in call centres.

Nieteenstaande die feit dat byna elke diensleweringsinstansie in Suid-Afrika van inbelsentrums gebruik maak om met kliënte sake te doen, bestaan daar min navorsing oor die aspekte wat ’n rol speel in personeelomset. Daar is derhalwe besluit om die persoonlikheidseienskappe van inbelsentrumkonsultante wat werksbevrediging ervaar te ondersoek. Dié inligting sal organisasies in staat stel om ’n effektiewe benadering ten opsigte van personeelomset te volg. Die Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) en die Jackson Personality Research Form (PRF-E) is op ’n steekproef van 103 persone toegepas. Die resultate toon dat daar nie ’n unieke persoonlikheidsprofiel geïdentifiseer kon word wat bepalend is van werksbevrediging nie. ’n Selfgeldende persoonlikheidstipe is wel geïdentifiseer wat ontevrede is met die mate van werksverskeidenheid in inbelsentrums.


Persoonlikheidseienskappe; Inbelsentrumkonsultante


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Crossref Citations

1. Predictive performance models in the South African Business Process Services industry
Chris T.G. Jacobs, Gerhard Roodt
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology  vol: 45  year: 2019  
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