Original Research

A theoretical interpersonal style repertoire for middle-level managers

P. Koortzen, K. F. Mauer
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 31, No 3 | a202 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v31i3.202 | © 2005 P. Koortzen, K. F. Mauer | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 29 October 2005 | Published: 29 October 2005

About the author(s)

P. Koortzen, University of South Africa, South Africa
K. F. Mauer, University of South Africa, South Africa

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The development of the interpersonal behaviour of managers has received a good deal of attention, especially in terms of the most appropriate interpersonal styles in the work context and the skills involved in developing and maintaining effective interpersonal relationships. The design of effective interpersonal development programs requires a thorough evaluation of an individual’s interpersonal development needs. In order to do this, evaluators should have an understanding of the most appropriate interpersonal styles for managers. Given the aims of the investigation, the approach that was followed was to evaluate the relevant literature in this field. The theoretical goal was to study and describe the most appropriate theoretical interpersonal style repertoire of middle-level managers using the interpersonal approach, and specifically the 1982 Interpersonal Circle. The conclusions support the notion that dominant, assured, exhibitionistic, social, friendly, warm and trusting styles are the most relevant of the 16 interpersonal segments, while the assured-dominant, social-exhibitionistic and warm-friendly octants are viewed as the most appropriate.

Die ontwikkeling van die interpersoonlike gedrag van bestuurders het reeds heelwat aandag gekry. Dit geld veral vir aangeleenthede wat verband hou met die mees toepaslike interpersoonlike style binne die werkskonteks en die vaardighede wat die ontwikkeling van effektiewe interpersoonlike verhoudings onderlê. Die ontwikkeling van effektiewe interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogramme vereis ’n deeglike evaluering van ’n individu se interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsbehoeftes. Om dit te vermag, is dit nodig vir evalueerders om te verstaan wat die mees toepaslike interpersoonlike style vir bestuurders is. Gegee die doelwitte van die ondersoek is die metode wat gevolg is ’n evaluering van die relevante literatuur in hierdie gebied. Die teoretiese doel was om die mees toepaslike teoretiese interpersoonlike stylrepertoire van middelvlak bestuurders te bestudeer en te beskryf deur gebruik te maak van die interpersoonlike benadering en spesifiek van die 1982 Interpersoonlike Sirkel. Die gevolgtrekkings steun die aanname dat dominante, versekerde, sosiale, vriendelike, warm en vertrouende style die mees relevante van die 16 interpersoonlike segmente is. In dié verband kan die versekerde-dominante, sosiale-ekshibisionistiese en warm-vriendelike oktante as die mees toepaslike beskou word.


Middle-level managers; Interpersonal style repertoire


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