Original Research

Towards the very nature of career, career guidance and counselling

C W T Joubert, F Crous
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 31, No 3 | a208 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v31i3.208 | © 2005 C W T Joubert, F Crous | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 29 October 2005 | Published: 29 October 2005

About the author(s)

C W T Joubert, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
F Crous, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

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The literature on career calls for a transformation and redefinition of career. In this paper we take a step back and ask: ‘what is a career?’. Careers as works are presented; those entities that set up and formed the world in which humans live and have their being. In describing the characteristics of works and the way in which they set up and formed a world, we explicate the very nature of career guidance and counselling. In conclusion, we propose an approach by which practitioners can engage the world that is set up by a work.

Die literatuur betreffende loopbaan vra vir ’n tranformasie en herdefinisie daarvan. In hierdie artikel neem ons ’n stap terug met die vraag: "Wat is ’n loopbaan?" Loopbane as werke word voorgehou; daardie entiteite wat gestalte gee aan en die wêreld konfigureer waarin menswees uitgeleef word. Deur die eienskappe van werke en die manier waarop hulle ’n wêreld konfigureer en vorm, voor te hou, verduidelik ons die werklike aard van loopbaanleiding en -voorligting. Ter sluiting stel ons ’n benadering voor waarvolgens praktisyns hulle kan besig hou met die wêreld wat deur ‘n werk tot stand gebring word.


Nature of career; Career guidance; Counselling


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