Original Research
Die benutting van bestuurstalent met verwysing na die invloed van leierskapstyl en tydspan
Submitted: 09 November 1975 | Published: 09 November 1975
About the author(s)
J. C. D. Augustyn, University of Stellenbosch, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (74KB)Abstract
A field and Laboratory study were conducted to determine the relationship between Leadership style, time-span of discretion and group performance. The results of this research support the prediction that situational variables such as time-span of discretion tend to moderate the relationship between Leadership style and group performance. Implications for future theory development, research and applications are discussed.
In 'n gekontroleerde laboratorium- en kontrolestudie is die verband tussen leierskapstyl en bestuursdoeltreffendheid onder verskillende tydspantoestande bepaal. Resultate toon aan dat beide leierskapstyl en tydspan 'n invloed uitoefen op bestuursdoeltreffendheid. Doeltreffendheid kan beskou word as 'n funksie van die aanpassing van basiese leierskapstyl by die betrokke situasie. Die gevolge wat hierdie bevindings vir verdere navorsing en bestuursontwikkeling mag inhou, word bespreek.
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