Original Research

Die verband tussen 'n aantal biografiese veranderlikes en bestuurspotensiaal binne die Suid-Afrikaanse vervoerdienste

H. C. S. Uys
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a344 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.344 | © 1983 H. C. S. Uys | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 29 November 1983 | Published: 29 November 1983

About the author(s)

H. C. S. Uys, S.A. Vervoerdienste, South Africa

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The quality of its managers is of great importance to any organisation and therefore it is essential that only suitable persons are appointed in managerial positions. Various techniques are available for the identification of managers of which some are very expensive. If managers are characterised by certain biographical traits, this information, which can be obtained cheaply, can be used to identify persons with managerial potential at an early stage. Hypotheses regarding biographical traits of persons with managerial potential and the prediction of managerial potential by means of biographical information were tested by analysing and transforming information obtained by means of a biographical inventory and an assessment center. Definite biographical differences were found between persons with managerial potential and persons without managerial potential, but no significant prediction could be made by means of the biographical variables used in this study.

Verskeie tegnieke bestaan om bestuurders te identifiseer, waarvan sommige baie duur is. Indien bestuurders gekenmerk word deur bepaalde biografiese veranderlikes kan die inligting, wat op 'n baie goedkoop manier bekom kan word, gebruik word om persone met bestuurspotensiaal reeds op 'n vroeë stadium te identifiseer. Die hipoteses betreffende biografiese kenmerke van persone met bestuurspotensiaal en die voorspelling van bestuurspotensiaal met behulp van biografiese inligting, is getoets deur inligting wat verkry is deur middel van 'n takseersentrum en 'n biografiese vraelys te ontleed en te verwerk. Daar is definitiewe verskille gevind tussen persone met en sonder bestuurspotensiaal, maar 'n suksesvolle voorspelling van bestuurspotensiaal kon nie gemaak word met behulp van die biografiese veranderlikes wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is nie.


biografiese; bestuurspotensiaal; vervoerdienste


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