Original Research

Die verband tussen prestasiemotivering en prestasie aan 'n bestuursbeoordelingsentrum

L. Stroebel, I. van W Raubenheimer
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | : Perspectives on Industrial Psychology| a349 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v0i0.349 | © 1983 L. Stroebel, I. van W Raubenheimer | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 29 November 1983 | Published: 29 November 1983

About the author(s)

L. Stroebel, Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste, South Africa
I. van W Raubenheimer, Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, South Africa

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A survey of the literature indicates that the traditional selection methods, i.e. psychometric predictors, have up to date not been very successful in the identification of future leaders. The Assessment Centre is a technique that has in recent years been applied worldwide as an alternative method. Although scientifically justifiable, it is very costly and time consuming. In order to find a method of pre-selection to the assessment centre it is hypothesised that there is a significant positive correlation between achievement motivation and an individual's achievement at an assessment centre. A significant correlation (p < ,01) is reported between achievement motivation and tenacity as well as planning and organising. Results further indicate a significant correlation between the sum of the dimensions evaluated and achievement motivation.

'n Oorsig van die literatuur dui daarop dat die tradisionele keuringsmetodes, dit is psigometriese voorspellers, tot datum nie baie suksesvol was in die identifisering van toekomstige leiers nie. Die takseersentrum is 'n tegniek wat in resente jare wêreldwyd as alternatiewe metode aangewend is. Alhoewel dit wetenskaplik verantwoordbaar is, is dit tyd- en koste intensief. In 'n soeke na 'n vorm van preseleksie word die hipotese gestel dat daar 'n beduidende positiewe verband tussen prestasiemotivering en prestasie aan 'n takseersentrum bestaan. 'n Beduidende korrelasie (p < ,01) word gerapporteer tussen prestasiemotivering en deursettingsvermoë en beplanning en organisering. Resultate dui ook op 'n beduidende korrelasie tussen die somtotaal van beoordelingsdimensies en prestasiemotivering.


prestasiemotivering; bestuursbeoordelingsentrum


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