Original Research
Enhancing Service Production And Service Quality
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 28, No 1 | a36 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v28i1.36
| © 2002 Krishna Govender
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 20 September 2002 | Published: 20 September 2002
Submitted: 20 September 2002 | Published: 20 September 2002
About the author(s)
Krishna Govender, Technikon WitwatersrandFull Text:
PDF (77KB)Abstract
This article sheds light on a possible strategy to enhance service production and service quality by reporting on an exploratory mail survey conducted among a sample of 1000 commercial bank customers. It became apparent that by using formal and informal strategies to socialize their customers, service providers could positively influence their customers’perception of service quality.
Hierdie artikel werp lig op’n moontlike strategie om diensproduksie en -kwaliteit te bevorder deur die rapportering van’n eksploratiewe pos-opname onder ’n steekproef van 1000 handelsbankkliente. Dit het duidelik geword deur die gebruik van formele en informele strategiee«om kliente te sosialiseer dat diensverskaffers hulle kliente se persepsie van dienskwaliteit positief kon beinvloed.
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