Original Research

The relationship between employee motivation, job satisfaction and corporate culture

Wanda Roos, Rene van Eeden
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 34, No 1 | a420 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v34i1.420 | © 2008 Wanda Roos, Rene van Eeden | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 March 2008 | Published: 15 May 2008

About the author(s)

Wanda Roos, Independent Practitioner, South Africa
Rene van Eeden, University of South Africa, South Africa

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In this study, relationships between employee motivation, job satisfaction and corporate culture were hypothesised and investigated. The sample that was investigated consisted of the majority of the permanent-staff complement of a marketing research company in South Africa. Three instruments were used to measure the constructs concerned, namely the Motivation Questionnaire (MQ), the Experience of Work and Life Circumstances Questionnaire (WLO) and the Corporate Culture Questionnaire (CCQ). Pearson product-moment coeffcients were then calculated and the linear relationships were further explored through canonical-correlation analysis. A possible moderator effect of employee motivation was also explored. The fndings provided support for the linear relationships and, more importantly, identifed the drivers of these relationships. The fndings did not support the moderator effect. Using these fndings, marketing research organisations, in particular, can be guided in terms of workplace attitudes under managerial infuence.


Corporate culture; job satisfaction; marketing research


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