Original Research

n Vergelykende ondersoek na die werksmotivering van blanke en swart vakmanne in 'n chemiese bedryf

A. L. Barnard, G. C. Venter
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 17, No 3 | a532 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v17i3.532 | © 1991 A. L. Barnard, G. C. Venter | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 19 June 1991 | Published: 20 June 1991

About the author(s)

A. L. Barnard, P.U. vir C.H.O. Potchefstroom, South Africa
G. C. Venter,, South Africa

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The work motivation of black and white artisans in a chemical industry. The objective of this study was to determine the extent to which white and black artisans in a chemical industry consider their working environment satisfactory and thus motivating. The results showed no suggestions of an optimally motivating work environment. Black artisans showed a more balanced preference pertaining to extrinsic/intrinsic motivating factors. In contrast, white artisans placed more emphasis on extrinsic motivating factors. The two groups, however, did not differ substantially in their motivational patterns.

Die doel met hierdie ondersoek was om met behulp van Lawler en Porter se verwagtingsmodel, vas te stel in watter mate blanke en swart vakmanne, in 'n chemiese nywerheid, hul werksomgewing as toereikend motiverend van aard beskou. Die resultate dui aan dat daar vir beide groepe nie sprake is van 'n optimaal motiverende werksomgewing nie. Terwyl blanke vakmanne ekstrinsieke faktore meer beklemtoon het, het swart vakmanne beter gebalanseerde voorkeure met betrekking tot ekstrinsieke/intrinsieke faktore getoon. Die motiveringspatrone van die twee groepe het egter nie wesenlik van mekaar verskil nie.


Werksmotivering; Blanke vakmanne; Swart vakmanne


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