Original Research

Die verband tussen die sielkundige kontrak en organisasieverbondenheid

K. J. Stanz, J. A. Slabbert, J. M. Schepers
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 25, No 1 | a670 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v25i1.670 | © 1999 K. J. Stanz, J. A. Slabbert, J. M. Schepers | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 25 June 1999 | Published: 25 June 1999

About the author(s)

K. J. Stanz, RAU University, South Africa
J. A. Slabbert, RAU University, South Africa
J. M. Schepers, RAU University, South Africa

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The relationship between the psychological contract and organisational commitment. The aim of this study is to design a measuring instrument with acceptable metric characteristics for the strength of the psychological contract within the South African context, and to determine empirically the relation between the strength of the psychological contract and organisational commitment. The Dhammanungune Model served as foundation for the design of the Strength of the Psychological Contract Questionnaire which consists of two scales namely, a needs expectation scale and a needs fulfilment expectation scale. The items of each scale have been formulated in the manner that ensures that the respondent reacts consecutively to two instructions namely, (a) the level of the expectation and (b) the importance of the expectation. This questionnaire was administered together with the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire to two population groups within the military environment. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was calculated between the strength of the psychological contract and organisational commitment and the significance of the correlations was evaluated.

Die doel van die studie is om 'n meetinstrument met aanvaarbare metriese eienskappe vir die sterkte van die sielkundige kontrak vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede te ontwerp en om empirics die verband tussen die sterkte van die sielkundige kontrak en organisasieverbondenheid te bepaal. Die sterkte van die sielkundige kontrak vraelys is op grond van die Dhammanungune-model ontwerp en het uit twee skale naamlik, die behoefteverwagting- en vervullingsverwagtingskale bestaan. Items vir eike skaal is sodanig geformuleer dat die respondent agteropeenvolgens op twee instruksies naamlik (a) die vlak van die verwagting en (b) die belangrikheid van die verwagting moet reageer. Die vraelys is saam met die organisasieverbondenheidsvraelys op twee populasies uit 'n militere omgewing toegepas. Die Pearson- produkmomentkorrelasie tussen die sterkte van die sielkundige kontrak en organisasieverbondenheid is bereken en die betekenisvolheid van die korrelasies is geevalueer


Sielkundige kontrak; Organisasieverbondenheid


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