Original Research

An organisational culture model to promote creativity and innovation

Ellen Martins, Nico Martins
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 28, No 4 | a71 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v28i4.71 | © 2002 Ellen Martins, Nico Martins | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 23 October 2002 | Published: 24 October 2002

About the author(s)

Ellen Martins,
Nico Martins,

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The aim of the study was to determine what type of organisational culture would support creativity and innovation in an organisation. A new model was developed and compared with the theoretical model. Similarities, differences and new perspectives emerged. The factors trust relationship, working environment, management support and customer orientation on an operational level presented shifts in emphasis in the new model. The trust relationship in particular indicated that trust manifests in openness and sincerity. Trust influences both employee support for change and the probability of successful change, which influence the degree to which creativity and innovation are stimulated and promoted.

Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal watter tipe organisasiekultuur kreatiwiteit en innovasie in ‘n organisasie sal stimuleer. ‘n Nuwe model is ontwikkel en met die teoretiese model vergelyk. Ooreenkomste, verskille en nuwe perspektiewe het aan die lig gekom. Die faktore vertrouensverhouding, werkomgewing, bestuursondersteuning en kliëntegeoriënteerdheid op ‘n operasionele vlak was klemverskuiwings in die nuwe model. Spesifiek die vertrouensverhouding het daarop gedui dat vertroue manifesteer in openlikheid en opregtheid. Vertroue beïnvloed beide werknemers se steun vir verandering en die waarskynlikheid van suksesvolle verandering, wat die mate waarin kreatiwiteit en innovasie gestimuleer en bevorder word, sal beïnvloed.


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