Original Research

Constructing a psychological coping profile in the call centre environment: Wellness-related dispositions in relation to resiliency-related behavioural capacities

Nisha Harry
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology | Vol 41, No 1 | a1265 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v41i1.1265 | © 2015 Nisha Harry | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 18 January 2015 | Published: 21 August 2015

About the author(s)

Nisha Harry, Department of Industrial Psychology, University of South Africa, South Africa, South Africa


Orientation: The context of this research is the coping and wellness of call centre agents in a characteristically high-stress work environment. Research purpose: The purpose of the study was to construct a psychological coping profile by investigating the overall relationship between individuals’ wellness-related dispositional attributes and their resiliency-related behavioural capacities.

Motivation of the study: It is important that coping in the call centre environment be understood in light of the complexity of the challenges that call centre agents experience in terms of their wellbeing.

Research design, approach and method: A quantitative cross-sectional survey approach was followed, using a non-probability purposive sample (N = 409) comprising predominantly early career, permanently employed black females in call centres in Africa.

Main findings: A canonical correlation analysis indicated a significant overall relationship between the wellness-related constructs (sense of coherence, emotional intelligence and burnout) and the resiliency-related constructs (career adaptability and hardiness). Structural equation modelling indicated that managing own emotions and cynicism contributed significantly to explaining the participants’ resiliency-related behavioural capacities (hardicommitment and hardi-control).

Practical/managerial implications: Enhancing call centre agents’ emotional intelligence and lowering cynicism will increase resiliency-related capacities, such as sense of control and commitment, and will significantly increase the resiliency and capacity of call centre agents to cope with pressure, which can lead to positive work attitudes.

Contribution/value-add: The findings may provide valuable pointers for the design of wellness intervention practices and could potentially add to the body of knowledge concerned with employee wellness in call centres.


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Crossref Citations

1. Evaluating mediation and moderation effects in call center employees: A correlational investigation into fatigue, general health, coping and sleep disturbances
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